2023 NABTEB Civic Education Objective & Essay Expo – June/july

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Contentment is a state of self-satisfaction with what one has or possesses. It is a state of being happy and satisfied with what you have now while hoping and working toward a better future


(I.) SATISFACTION: This is the feeling or state of being pleased with what an individual has achieved in line with his or her expectations. A man of contentment will be satisfied with whatever he has.

(II). LACK OF ENVY: The feeling of envy is absent in the mind of a person who is contended. A man contended will never envy other peoples’ achievements, possessions and successes, rather he is satisfied with what he has.

(III). ABHOR GREED: A Contended person has no business with strong desire to amass or acquire wealth in a dubious and corruption manner.

(IV). HUMILITY: This is the state of meekness and lowliness of minds. A contented person is neither boastful nor arrogant, rather, tolerant, lovely and friendly.

(i). ANXIETY AND STRESS: People who lack contentment are often anxious and stressed, as they are constantly striving for more and worrying about what they don’t have. This can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems, including depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse.

(ii). DISCONTENT AND FRUSTRATION S: Lack of contentment can lead to a sense of discontent and frustration with life, as people feel that they are not achieving their goals or living up to their potential. This can lead to a sense of despair and hopelessness, and can lead to social unrest and political instability.

(iii). GREED AND SELFISHNESS: People who lack contentment are often greedy and selfish, as they are focused on their own desires and needs rather than the needs of others. This can lead to a breakdown in social cohesion and a sense of isolation and alienation.

(iv). LACK OF GRATITUDE: Finally, lack of contentment can lead to a lack of gratitude and appreciation for what one has. This can lead to a sense of entitlement and a lack of empathy for others, as people become more focused on their own needs and desires. This can lead to a breakdown in social trust and a sense of disconnection from others.

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The rule of law can be defined as the principle that all individuals and entities, including the government, are subject to the law, and that no one is above the law. The rule of law is a fundamental concept in democratic societies, and it ensures that all citizens are equal under the law, and that justice is administered fairly and impartially.

(I). INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY: An independent judiciary is crucial to the operation of the rule of law because it ensures that legal decisions are made impartially and based on established legal principles, rather than on political influence or personal bias.

(II). WRITTEN CONSTITUTION: A written constitution is another essential factor for the operation of the rule of law, as it provides a framework for the legal system and establishes the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the government. A written constitution establishes the limits of government power, and provides a foundation for the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

(III). EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW: Equality before the law is a fundamental principle of the rule of law, and it means that all individuals and entities, including the government, are subject to the law, and that no one is above the law. This principle ensures that legal decisions are made impartially and based on established legal principles, rather than on personal or arbitrary judgments.

(IV). ACCESS TO JUSTICE: Access to justice is another necessary factor for the operation of the rule of law, as it ensures that all citizens have equal access to legal remedies and can seek redress for legal grievances.

National Integration is a process of creating a sense of natural consciousness, unity of identity and loyalty among people with different socio-cultural identities (racial, ethnic, language, religion etc into a single territorial political society. Or National integration is the coming together of various tribes, ethnic, etc to become one entity.

(I). ENCOURAGING NIGERIANS TO BE PATRIOTIC: This may be described. as having or expressing a great love of one’s country. it expresses loyalty and devotion to a nation. Any citizen that is patriotic is the one that love his country and is willing to defend it.

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(II). ENCOURAGING INTER-ETHNIC and INTER-TRIBAL MARRIAGES: This should be encouraged. This will facilitate national growth and development. For example a Yoruba man from Oyo State going to Imo State to get married to an lgbo girl is a way to promote national integration and unity.

(III). CO-OPERATION: This is an act of working or acting together to achieve a common goal or result that is good for them. For a nation to succeed, such a nation needs full co-operation of every citizen.

(IV). NATIONALISM: nationalism is the act of promoting national interest. In other word, nationalism is the belief held by the citizens of a particular country that their own country is better than other countries. Nationalism is one of the attributes of promoting national integration.

(V) PROMOTING RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE: This is the willingness to allow people to do or say or believe what they want without criticizing them. If people in a country can tolerate themselves and their government, the country will witness peace and that will go a very long way to promote national integration.


(I). HEALTH CONSEQUENCES: Drug abuse can lead to a range of health consequences, including physical and mental health problems, such as heart disease, liver damage, lung disease, depression, anxiety, and psychosis. This can lead to reduced productivity, absenteeism, and increased healthcare costs, which can have a significant impact on individuals and society as a whole.

(II). CRIME AND VIOLENCE: Drug abuse is often associated with crime and violence, as individuals may engage in illegal activities, such as theft, robbery, and drug trafficking, to support their drug habits. This can lead to increased crime rates, social instability, and reduced public safety.

(III). FAMILY AND SOCIAL DYSFUNCTION: Drug abuse can also have negative impacts on families and social relationships, as individuals may become isolated, neglect their responsibilities, and engage in dysfunctional behaviors. This can lead to family breakdowns, social alienation, and reduced community cohesion.

(IV). ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES: Drug abuse can have significant economic consequences, as it can lead to reduced productivity, increased healthcare costs, and lost income due to absenteeism and reduced employment opportunities. This can have a ripple effect on the wider economy, as it can lead to reduced economic growth, increased welfare costs, and reduced tax revenues.

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(V). EDUCATIONAL CONSEQUENCES: Drug abuse can also have negative impacts on education, as individuals may drop out of school, neglect their studies, and struggle to find employment. This can lead to reduced educational outcomes, reduced career opportunities, and increased social inequality.

(VI). STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION: Finally, drug abuse can lead to stigma and discrimination, as individuals may be viewed as social deviants or moral failures. This can lead to increased social exclusion, reduced access to healthcare and social services, and reduced opportunities for personal and social development.


(I). Encouraging youths to be good citizens

(II). By encouraging youths to appreciate the essence of good health and healthy living

(III). By discouraging youths necessary skill for self-control and discipline in society

(IV). Through knowledge acquisition on safe use of drugs

(V). Through the inculcation and cultivation of right attitudes and values

(VI).By discouraging youths from illegal and unregulated use of drugs.


National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and Other Related Matters


(I)It tarnishes the image of the country

(II) It threatens the existence of human right. The people become an object to be possessed or purchased

(III) It prevents the victims from healthy growth

(IV) It kills the initiative of the victims. The victims become threatened physically and psychologically

(V) The women are at the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS virus which will lead to the death of the patient and spread of the disease.


(I). To coordinate of all laws on trafficking in persons and related offences;

(II). To adopt measures to increase the effectiveness of eradication of trafficking in persons

(III).To adopt witness protection measures

(IV). To enhance effectiveness of law enforcement agents to suppress traffic in persons.

(V). To establish proper communication channels, conduct research and work on improving international cooperation in the suppression of traffic in persons; by land, sea and air.

(VI). To reinforce and supplement measures in bilateral and multilateral treaties and conventions on traffic in persons.


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