2023 NABTEB Commerce Objective & Essay Question & Answers – June/july

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(i) Personal Interests and Aptitude: Individuals often choose occupations based on their personal interests, passions, and natural aptitudes. They are more likely to succeed and find fulfillment in a career that aligns with their skills and interests.

(ii) Education and Qualifications: The level of education and qualifications required for a particular occupation can influence career choices. Some occupations have specific educational requirements, such as degrees or certifications, which individuals need to meet in order to pursue those careers.

(iii) Economic Factors: Economic considerations, such as potential income and job security, play a significant role in occupational choices. People may opt for occupations that offer higher salaries, better benefits, or more stability in the job market.

(iv) Market Demand: The demand for specific skills and occupations in the job market can influence career choices. Some occupations may be in high demand, leading individuals to choose those careers for better job prospects and opportunities for growth.

(v) Social and Cultural Factors: Social and cultural influences, including family expectations, societal norms, and cultural values, can impact occupational choices. Certain occupations may be perceived as more prestigious or desirable in specific cultures or communities, leading individuals to consider those options.




(i) It is particularly peculiar with cash on delivery (C.O.D.) transactions and cash with order (CWO) terms of payment.

(ii) It is capable of dealing in consumer durable goods only.

(iii) It is operated through the post office

(iv) Goods are delivered at the buyer’s destination

(v) It is one of the means of passing the wholesaler and retailer by the manufacturer.

(vi) It makes use of catalogs.

(vii) It maintains a large warehouse.



(i) Wide Customer Reach: Mail-order businesses can target customers across large geographic areas, even internationally. This allows them to access a broader customer base compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

(ii) Cost Savings: Operating a mail-order business often incurs lower overhead costs compared to physical stores. There is no need for expensive retail space, and fewer staff members are required, resulting in potential cost savings.

(iii) Convenience for Customers: Mail-order businesses offer convenience to customers who can browse and shop from the comfort of their own homes. This accessibility can attract customers who value convenience and prefer not to visit physical stores.

(iv) Increased Sales Potential: By reaching a wider audience, mail-order businesses have the potential to generate higher sales. They are not limited by the constraints of physical store locations and can serve customers who might not have easy access to certain products.

(v) Flexibility in Operating Hours: Unlike traditional stores with fixed operating hours, mail-order businesses can accept orders 24/7. Customers have the flexibility to place orders at their convenience, without being restricted to specific store hours.

(vi) Personalized Marketing: Mail-order businesses often gather customer data and preferences, allowing them to personalize marketing efforts. By tailoring promotional materials to individual customers’ needs and interests, they can enhance customer engagement and increase sales.



Business merging refers to the consolidation of two or more separate companies into a single entity. It involves combining the assets, operations, and ownership of the merging firms to form a new, larger organization.



(i) Synergy: Merging companies can leverage synergies by combining their resources, expertise, and market presence. This synergy can lead to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved competitiveness.

(ii) Market Expansion: Merging allows companies to expand into new markets or reach a wider customer base. By joining forces, companies can access new geographical regions, customer segments, or distribution channels.

(iii) Economies of Scale: Merging can lead to economies of scale, where the combined entity benefits from cost reductions due to increased production or purchasing power. This can result in lower costs per unit and improved profitability.

(iv) Diversification: Merging companies may seek diversification to reduce risks associated with a single industry or market. By merging with a company in a different sector or with complementary products, they can spread their risk across multiple areas.

(v) Access to Resources: Merging can provide companies with access to additional resources, such as technology, intellectual property, or specialized knowledge. This can enhance their capabilities and competitiveness.

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(vi) Increased Market Share: Merging allows companies to consolidate their market share and gain a larger portion of the market. This can lead to improved bargaining power with suppliers, increased pricing leverage, and enhanced market dominance.

(vii) Strategic Alignment: Merging can align companies strategically, combining their strengths to achieve common goals. Companies may merge to pursue a shared vision, capitalize on mutual strengths, or combine complementary capabilities.



The stock exchange is a centralized marketplace where securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives are bought and sold. It provides a platform for investors and traders to trade securities, ensuring liquidity, price discovery, and transparency in the market.



(i) Trading Platform: The stock exchange serves as a regulated platform for the trading of securities. It provides a centralized marketplace where buyers and sellers can execute transactions and trade shares of publicly listed companies.

(ii) Price Discovery: The stock exchange facilitates price discovery by bringing together buyers and sellers. Through continuous trading and matching of orders, the exchange determines the market price of securities based on supply and demand dynamics.

(iii) Liquidity Provision: The stock exchange enhances liquidity in the market by offering a platform where investors can easily buy and sell securities. It ensures that there is a ready market for securities, enabling investors to convert their investments into cash when desired.

(iv) Market Regulation: Stock exchanges enforce rules and regulations to maintain fair and orderly trading. They set listing requirements, monitor compliance, and impose penalties for market manipulation or fraudulent activities, ensuring investor protection and market integrity.

(v) Listing and Capital Formation: Companies can list their securities on the stock exchange to raise capital from public investors. By issuing shares, companies can raise funds for expansion, research and development, or other business initiatives.

(vi) Access to Investment Opportunities: The stock exchange provides individuals and institutions with access to a wide range of investment opportunities. It allows investors to diversify their portfolios by investing in different companies, sectors, or asset classes.

(vii) Information Dissemination: Stock exchanges provide timely and accurate information about listed companies, including financial reports, corporate announcements, and news updates. This helps investors make informed decisions and promotes transparency in the market.



Money can be defined as a medium of exchange that is widely accepted in transactions for goods, services, and debts. It is a generally recognized and agreed-upon form of payment within a specific economic system.



(i) Medium of Exchange: Money serves as a medium for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. It enables transactions by providing a commonly accepted unit of value that both buyers and sellers recognize and trust.

(ii) Unit of Account: Money serves as a standard unit of measurement for assigning and comparing the value of goods, services, and assets. It allows for consistent pricing and financial calculations.

(iii) Store of Value: Money can be stored and held over time as a form of wealth. It retains its value and can be used for future purchases or investments. However, inflation can erode the purchasing power of money over time.

(iv) Divisibility: Money is divisible into smaller units, allowing for flexibility in transactions of different sizes. It can be divided into smaller denominations to accommodate various price levels and facilitate trade.

(v) Portability: Money is easily portable and can be carried or transferred from one location to another. It provides a convenient means of payment for transactions, regardless of distance.

(vi) Durability: Money is durable and able to withstand physical wear and tear. It should maintain its value and functionality over time, ensuring that it can be used repeatedly for transactions.


A cheque is a written, unconditional order issued by an account holder (drawer) to a bank or financial institution (drawee) to pay a specified sum of money to a designated recipient (payee). It serves as a negotiable instrument, allowing the transfer of funds from one party to another.



An agent is a person or entity authorized to act on behalf of another individual or organization, known as the principal. The agent acts within the scope of their authority to perform specific tasks or make decisions on behalf of the principal.



(i) Real Estate Agent

(ii) Stockbroker

(iii) Talent agent

(iv) Travel agent

(v) Power of Attorney Agent



(i) Compensation: The principal is responsible for compensating the agent for their services as agreed upon. This compensation may include a salary, commission, fees, or other forms of payment outlined in the agency agreement.

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(ii) Reimbursement: The principal should reimburse the agent for any authorized expenses incurred while carrying out their duties. These expenses may include travel costs, marketing expenses, or other necessary disbursements made on behalf of the principal.

(iii) Indemnification: The principal has a duty to indemnify the agent for any losses, liabilities, or expenses incurred as a result of authorized actions performed on behalf of the principal. This protects the agent from personal financial harm while acting within their authorized capacity.

(iv) Cooperation: The principal should provide the agent with the necessary information, resources, and support required to fulfill their duties effectively. This includes sharing relevant information, providing access to relevant systems or tools, and collaborating to achieve the objectives of the agency relationship.

(v) Good Faith: The principal is expected to act in good faith and not intentionally mislead or deceive the agent. They should provide accurate and honest information to the agent, allowing them to make informed decisions and act in the principal’s best interests.

(vi) Confidentiality: The principal should maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared with the agent during the course of the agency relationship. This includes trade secrets, business strategies, customer data, or any other proprietary information that could harm the principal if disclosed improperly.



(i) Economic factors

(ii) Political and legal factors

(iii) Social and Cultural factors

(iv) Technological factors

(v) Environmental factors



(i) Economic Factors: Changes in economic conditions can impact consumer purchasing power, which directly affects the demand for products and services. Businesses need to adjust their pricing strategies, production levels, and marketing efforts accordingly. Interest rates can influence borrowing costs and investment decisions, while inflation rates can affect production costs and profitability.

(ii) Political and Legal Factors: Government policies and regulations can create opportunities or constraints for businesses. Changes in tax policy can affect profitability and investment decisions. Industry-specific regulations can impact production processes, product safety standards, and marketing practices. Political instability can lead to uncertainty and risk for businesses operating in affected regions.

(iii) Social and Cultural Factors: Consumer attitudes, preferences, and societal values influence the demand for products and services. Businesses need to understand and adapt to changing social trends, cultural norms, and consumer expectations to remain relevant and competitive.

(iv) Technological Factors: Technological advancements can enable businesses to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and create innovative products and services. However, they can also disrupt traditional business models and render certain products or services obsolete. Companies need to stay updated on emerging technologies to remain competitive and leverage new opportunities.

(v) Environmental Factors: Growing environmental concerns and consumer awareness of sustainability have prompted businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices. Companies need to assess and mitigate their environmental impact, implement sustainable supply chains, and develop green products and services. Failure to address environmental issues can lead to reputational damage and the loss of market share.

(vi) Competitive Factors: The competitive landscape affects business operations by influencing pricing strategies, market positioning, and product differentiation. Businesses need to monitor and analyze competitors’ actions, adapt their strategies, and invest in research and development to stay ahead in the market. Intense competition can also drive innovation and benefit consumers with improved products and services.



Marketing can be defined as the process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs and wants profitably. It involves various activities and strategies aimed at promoting and selling products or services to target customers, with the goal of achieving organizational objectives, such as generating revenue, increasing market share, and building brand reputation.



(i) Market Research: Market research involves gathering and analyzing data about customers, competitors, and market trends. It helps businesses understand consumer preferences, identify target markets, and make informed decisions about product development, pricing, and promotion.

(ii) Product Development: Marketing plays a crucial role in developing and designing products or services that meet customer needs and preferences. This function involves identifying product features, creating prototypes, conducting market tests, and refining offerings to ensure they provide value and satisfaction to customers.

(iii) Pricing: Determining the right price for a product or service is an important marketing function. It requires considering factors such as production costs, competitor pricing, market demand, and perceived value. Effective pricing strategies can help maximize profits while remaining competitive in the market.

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(iv) Promotion: Promotion involves creating awareness and generating interest in a product or service. This function includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and other communication activities aimed at reaching the target audience and influencing their purchasing decisions.

(v) Distribution: The distribution function of marketing focuses on ensuring that products or services reach customers efficiently and conveniently. It involves establishing distribution channels, such as wholesalers, retailers, and online platforms, and managing logistics and inventory to ensure timely delivery and availability of products.

(vi) Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM is about building and maintaining strong relationships with customers. It involves understanding customer needs, providing personalized experiences, and addressing their concerns or issues. Effective CRM helps businesses retain existing customers, foster loyalty, and create opportunities for repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth.




(i) Risk Mitigation: Insurance provides protection against potential risks and uncertainties that businesses may face. It helps mitigate financial losses resulting from property damage, liability claims, theft, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events.

(ii) Business Continuity: In the event of an unfortunate incident, insurance can help businesses recover and resume operations quickly. It provides financial support to repair or replace damaged property, equipment, and inventory, ensuring the continuity of business activities.

(iii) Liability Coverage: Insurance offers liability coverage, protecting businesses from legal claims and lawsuits. It helps cover the costs associated with legal defense, settlements, or judgments if a business is held responsible for causing harm or damage to others.

(iv) Employee Protection: Insurance can include coverage for employees, such as health insurance, workers’ compensation, and disability insurance. These benefits not only safeguard employees’ well-being but also contribute to attracting and retaining talent.

(v) Peace of Mind: Knowing that the business is adequately insured provides peace of mind to business owners and stakeholders. It allows them to focus on core operations and long-term growth without constantly worrying about potential financial risks.

(vi) Enhanced Credibility: Having insurance coverage can enhance a business’s credibility and reputation. It demonstrates that the business is prepared to handle unexpected events and fulfill its obligations to clients, customers, and suppliers.



Public relations is a strategic communication practice aimed at establishing and maintaining positive relationships between an organization or individual and the public. It involves managing the spread of information and shaping public perception to build trust, credibility, and goodwill.



(i) Press Releases: Press releases are written statements sent to media outlets to announce newsworthy information about an organization or its activities. They serve as a way to share important updates, product launches, events, or milestones with the media and the public.

(ii) Media Relations: Media relations involve building and maintaining relationships with journalists, reporters, and media outlets. PR professionals proactively engage with the media to generate coverage and secure opportunities for positive news stories, interviews, or features about their organization or clients.

(iii) Social Media: Social media platforms have become integral to modern Public relations strategies. Public relations professionals use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube to engage with their target audience, share news and updates, manage their online reputation, and build brand awareness.

(iv) Publicity Stunts: Publicity stunts are attention-grabbing events or activities designed to generate media coverage and public interest. These stunts often involve creative or unusual tactics that captivate attention and help promote a brand, product, or cause.

(v) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: CSR initiatives involve implementing socially responsible programs that benefit the community or support environmental sustainability. By engaging in philanthropic activities or sustainable practices, organizations can enhance their reputation and demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact.

(vi) Crisis Communication: Crisis communication materials are used when an organization faces a significant issue or crisis that may harm its reputation. These materials include press statements, FAQs, spokesperson briefings, and communication plans to manage and address the crisis effectively, mitigating potential damage.

(vii) Content Creation: Public relations professionals often develop various forms of content to communicate with their target audience. This can include blog posts, articles, whitepapers, infographics, videos, and podcasts. Creating valuable and engaging content helps establish thought leadership, provide relevant information, and engage the public in a meaningful way.

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