2023 NECO GCE Islamic Studies Obj & Essay Answers – Nov/Dec

NECO 2024 Bookkeeping Obj & Essay Answers


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Number Three 👇


(i) Clarification and explanation of the Qur’an: The Hadith provides a detailed explanation and clarification of the teachings found in the Qur’an. It offers insights into the context, background, and practical applications of the Qur’anic teachings, helping Muslims understand and apply them in their daily lives.
(ii) Preservation of the Sunnah: The Hadith serves as a reliable source for preserving the sayings, actions, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or his companions. It ensures that the teachings and practices of the Prophet are accurately transmitted through generations.
(iii) Legislation and Jurisprudence: Hadith plays a crucial role in the development of Islamic law and jurisprudence. It provides legal guidance and rulings in various matters such as worship, transactions, family law, and inheritance. Scholars derive legal principles, rulings, and verdicts from Hadith, forming the basis of Islamic law.
(iv) Moral and Ethical Guidance: Hadith contains narratives that highlight the ethical teachings and moral values emphasized by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They serve as a guide for Muslims to develop noble character and conduct themselves with integrity, kindness, humility, and justice.
(v) Historical and Cultural Preservation: Hadith is a valuable tool for preserving the history, culture, and social norms of the early Muslim community. It offers insights into the life, companions, and events during the time of the Prophet, providing a rich understanding of Islamic history and civilization.
(vi) Spiritual Development: The Hadith provides spiritual guidance and inspiration for Muslims. It offers teachings on developing a strong relationship with Allah, seeking forgiveness, developing patience, gratitude, and contentment, and striving for self-improvement and spiritual growth.

(i) Complementary: Hadith and the Qur’an are complementary to each other. The Qur’an is the primary source of Islamic guidance, while Hadith serves as an explanation and practical application of its teachings.
(ii) Validation: Hadith validates the teachings of the Qur’an by providing additional details, principles, and examples. It helps in understanding and implementing the general principles mentioned in the Qur’an.
(iii) Authenticity: Both the Qur’an and Hadith require a chain of authentic narrators to ensure their reliability. Scholars analyze the authenticity of the Hadith through the science of Hadith, which involves examining the chain of narration and the reliability of narrators.
(iv) Contextualization: The Hadith helps in contextualizing the verses of the Qur’an. It provides insights into the specific circumstances and occasions for the revelation of certain verses, helping to understand the intended meanings and applications.
(iv) Interpretation: Hadith plays a role in interpreting the Qur’an. Some verses of the Qur’an are general and require further elaboration and interpretation. Hadith provides explanations and interpretations of these verses, aiding in their understanding.
(vi) Practical Application: Hadith provides practical guidance on how to apply the teachings of the Qur’an in various aspects of life. It offers examples, traditions, and practices of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions, demonstrating how to implement the teachings of the Qur’an in different situations.

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Hajj is a sacred pilgrimage that is required of every Muslim at least once in their lifetime. In other words it is one of the fifth pillars of Islam. Each year, millions of Muslims from across the world travel to and perform Hajj in Makkah.

(i)Entering ihram
(ii) Standing in ‘Arafah
(iii)Staying overnight in Mina

(i)Remembrance of Allah, especially on the Day of Arafat
(ii)Fasting on the Day of Arafat
(iii)Sincere repentance in Zulhijjah and on the Day of Arafat

(6a) The six articles of faith in Islam, listed in sequential order, are:

*Belief in Allah:* The oneness of God.
*Belief in Angels:* Acknowledgment of spiritual beings created by Allah.
*Belief in Divine Books:* Acceptance of scriptures like the Quran, Torah, and Bible as revelations from Allah.
*Belief in Prophets:* Recognition of messengers sent by Allah, including Adam, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
*Belief in the Day of Judgment:* Acceptance of resurrection and accountability in the afterlife.
*Belief in Divine Decree (Qadar):* Recognition of Allah’s predestination and control over all things.

*Meaning:* Belief in Divine Books signifies accepting the sacred texts revealed by Allah to guide humanity.

*Implications:* This belief mandates respecting and adhering to the teachings of these scriptures, recognizing them as moral and spiritual guidance. It fosters a sense of responsibility to study, follow, and implement the divine wisdom contained in these books. Additionally, it emphasizes the finality and completeness of the Quran, guiding Muslims towards righteous living and acknowledging the historical and spiritual continuity of divine revelations.

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(i) Intent for Pilgrimage: In the 6th year of Hijri (Islamic calendar), the Prophet Muhammad and his followers intended to perform the pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca. They set out from Medina, dressed in pilgrim garb, with peaceful intentions.

(ii) Blocked Entry to Mecca: The Quraysh tribe, who controlled Mecca, was wary of Muhammad’s growing influence and the strength of his followers. They blocked the entrance to Mecca, preventing Muhammad and his followers from completing the pilgrimage.
(iii) Negotiations for Peace: To avoid bloodshed and seek a peaceful resolution, negotiations began between the Muslims and the Quraysh. Various attempts were made to reach an agreement that would allow the Muslims to perform their pilgrimage.
(iv) The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah: After prolonged discussions, a treaty was finally agreed upon at a place called Hudaybiyyah. The terms were largely favorable to the Quraysh and included a ten-year truce between the Muslims and the Quraysh, allowing for peace and ceasing hostilities.

(i) Ten-Year Truce: The treaty established a ten-year period of peace between the Muslims, led by Prophet Muhammad, and the Quraysh of Mecca. This truce aimed to halt hostilities and provide a time of tranquility between the two parties.
(ii) Ceasing Armed Conflict: Both sides agreed to refrain from engaging in armed conflict or warfare against each other during the specified period of the truce. This cessation of hostilities aimed to maintain peace and prevent further bloodshed between the Muslims and the Quraysh.
(iii) Permission for Pilgrimage: The treaty allowed the Muslims to return to Medina that year without performing the pilgrimage to Mecca. However, it included a provision for the Muslims to return the following year, allowing them to perform the pilgrimage peacefully, staying in Mecca for a limited three days without their weapons.

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Abdullah bn Fodio, also known as Shaykh Usman dan Fodio, was a prominent Islamic scholar, reformer, and leader in West Africa during the 18th and 19th centuries. Hewas born in 1754 in Gobir, present-day Nigeria, and belonged to the Fulani ethnic group. He received a comprehensive Islamic education from an early age and became well-versed in various Islamic sciences, including theology, jurisprudence, and philosophy.

(i) Islamic Scholarship: Abdullahi ibn Fodio was known for his deep knowledge of Islamic sciences.
(ii) Islamic Reformation: Abdullahi ibn Fodio aimed to reform the practice of Islam in West Africa, focusing on eliminating what he considered to be deviations and heresies.
(iii) Jihad and Political Leadership: With a vision to establish an Islamic state based on justice and equity, Abdullahi ibn Fodio led a successful jihad (holy war) against the Hausa rulers in northern Nigeria.

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