WAEC Literature In English 2023 Prose & Obj Answers – May/June

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In Buchi Emecheta’s novel “Second Class Citizen,” the main character, Adah, begins attending the Methodist School on her first day in London. This event contributes significantly to the development of the plot in several ways.

Firstly, Adah’s enrollment in the Methodist School marks a significant shift in her life. Prior to this, she had been living in Nigeria, where she faced discrimination and limited opportunities because of her gender. By starting school in London, Adah gains access to education and the possibility of a better future. This sets the stage for her personal growth and development throughout the novel.

Secondly, the Methodist School serves as a microcosm of British society. Adah encounters cultural differences and racism from her classmates and teachers, which reflects the larger societal issues she will face as a black immigrant in England. Her experiences at the school highlight the challenges she will face as she tries to navigate life in a new country.

Finally, Adah’s time at the Methodist School introduces her to new people and experiences that will shape her future. She befriends a classmate named Mary, who becomes one of her closest friends, and she also develops a crush on a boy named Francis. These relationships will play significant roles in Adah’s life as she grows older.

Overall, Adah’s first day at the Methodist School is a pivotal moment in “Second Class Citizen.” It sets the stage for the novel’s exploration of themes such as immigration, discrimination, and personal growth, and introduces characters and experiences that will shape the plot as it unfolds.


In Buchi Emecheta’s novel “Second Class Citizen,” Mr. Noble is a landlord who finds it difficult to evict his tenants for several reasons.

Firstly, Mr. Noble is portrayed as an absentee landlord who does not take an active role in managing his properties. He lives in Nigeria and relies on a middleman to collect rent and manage the properties in his absence. This lack of direct involvement makes it difficult for him to handle issues that arise with his tenants, including eviction.

Secondly, Mr. Noble’s tenants are mainly immigrants who have come to London looking for a better life. They often struggle to pay rent on time due to financial difficulties and the challenges of living in a new country. Mr. Noble is sympathetic to their struggles and is reluctant to evict them, even when they fall behind on rent.

Additionally, Mr. Noble is a Christian and feels a moral obligation to help those in need. He believes that providing affordable housing to immigrants is a way of fulfilling this obligation, and he is hesitant to evict tenants who are struggling.

Finally, Mr. Noble’s own financial situation is precarious. He has invested heavily in properties in London and relies on rental income to support himself and his family. Evicting tenants would mean losing rental income, which would put him in a difficult financial position.

Overall, Mr. Noble’s difficulty in evicting his tenants is a complex issue that reflects the challenges faced by both landlords and tenants in a changing society. It highlights the difficulties of managing property from a distance, the challenges faced by immigrants in a new country, and the moral and financial struggles of those who own property.


Mama Orojo is a character in the novel who is the matriarch of the Orojo family. She is portrayed as a wise and respected elder in her community who is deeply committed to her family. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in her life, she remains steadfast in her faith and is a source of strength and inspiration to those around her. Mama Orojo is also depicted as a strict disciplinarian who values hard work and education, and she encourages her children and grandchildren to strive for success in their lives. Overall, Mama Orojo is a complex and multifaceted character who plays an important role in the novel’s portrayal of Ghanaian family life and culture.

Massa is Nii Tackie’s sick wife who hails from Sampa. She is an orphan adopted by certain parents. Her terminal disease or aliment seems to defy all forms of treatment because the doctor in charge of the treatment has passed a death sentence on her, she has just few days. The health workers have wished her all the best. Nii has realized that Massa is dying slowly each second. Life has just began to treat both of them well two years before until suddenly she is taken ill.

Fortunately, a friend has recommended them to see a spiritualist, known as “God is beyond science”. This time she is already a shadow of her former self “She was already looking like a grandmother at twenty two” She vomits spits and defecates in her sleeping position owing to the ailment. Nii then takes a bold step to convey her to the spiritualist home and she unfortunately dies on their way. Nii who is already fed up with the hardship in the country and the inability of his bank and teaching job to sustain him, abandons her corpse at the Korofidua mortuary and runs away, until Mama and Joe trace Massa’s corpse to the mortuary and gives her a befitting burial.

Symbolically, Massa represents the living physical condition, political, social and moral decay, she represents the nation in labour, hanging on tenaciously to life by the thinnes of threads, Like the collapsing state of Ghana, looking at her.

Marshak is Nii’s friend who is a fugitive prostitute. Nii met her at the Hotel Irohin while Nii was working as a slave in cassava farm. Her father was shot dead during the revolution at home and all their properties confiscated. The revolutionaries claimed that her father was a reactionary and a saboteur. Her mother and her two sisters were smuggled across the border at Elubo, and they are now in the Ivory Coast. Marshak submits upon meeting Nii. Marshak has made a decision to be a change person and get married someday. She may be a prostitute but the most important thing to her is that she wants to be free. She is looking for an opportunity to mend and redeem herself from a life of filth imposed on her by circumstances at home.

One unfortunate thing happens to Marshak that Nii would live to remember. Marshak finds it difficult to change her ways. She continues to play ball with men, even some immigration officers were her customers. Nii visits her on that fateful day and meets her in the pool of her own blood and he’s informed that she attempts to abort a baby but Nii still believes that she takes her own life.

Prior to her death, when event Nii what’s to have an affair with her, she always remembers her late wife Massa.


In Ralph Ellison’s novel “Invisible Man,” the narrator’s grandfather plays a significant role in shaping his actions and worldview. The grandfather’s advice, which is imparted to the narrator in the form of a deathbed speech, emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and individuality in the face of racial oppression.

The grandfather’s words haunt the narrator throughout the novel, and he constantly grapples with their meaning and implications. At times, the narrator embraces his grandfather’s advice and seeks to assert his own identity in the face of societal pressure to conform. For example, he joins the Brotherhood, a political organization that seeks to empower African Americans, but eventually leaves the organization when he realizes that it is not aligned with his own principles.

At other times, the narrator resists his grandfather’s advice and feels trapped by societal expectations. For example, he is forced to participate in a “battle royal,” a brutal boxing match, as part of a white men’s club’s entertainment. He initially protests the event, but ultimately participates in order to secure a scholarship for college.

Overall, the narrator’s grandfather’s advice serves as a constant reminder of the importance of individuality and self-respect in the face of racism and oppression. The narrator struggles to reconcile this advice with the realities of his life, but ultimately comes to understand that his grandfather’s words are a call to action, urging him to fight against the forces that seek to define and control him.


The Brotherhood is a political organization in Ralph Ellison’s novel “Invisible Man” that seeks to empower African Americans and promote social justice. The ideology of the Brotherhood is presented as a complex mix of Marxist and democratic ideals, with a focus on collective action and solidarity among oppressed groups.

One of the key principles of the Brotherhood is the importance of education and political awareness. Members of the organization are encouraged to read and study Marxist theory, as well as the history of social movements and political revolutions. The Brotherhood also emphasizes the need for a vanguard party of dedicated activists who are willing to sacrifice their personal interests for the greater good.

The Brotherhood’s ideology is also characterized by an emphasis on collective action and solidarity. Members are expected to work together to achieve common goals, and the organization places a high value on discipline and loyalty. The Brotherhood believes in the power of the masses to effect change, and seeks to organize and mobilize African American communities to fight against racism and oppression.

However, as the novel progresses, the Brotherhood’s ideology is revealed to be flawed and hypocritical. The organization’s leaders are shown to be more concerned with their own power and influence than with the welfare of the people they claim to represent. The Brotherhood’s emphasis on discipline and loyalty becomes increasingly oppressive, and individuality and dissent are discouraged. Ultimately, the narrator realizes that the Brotherhood is not a true ally in the struggle for social justice, but rather a tool for the manipulation and exploitation of vulnerable communities.

In summary, the ideology of the Brotherhood is presented as a complex mix of Marxist and democratic ideals, with a focus on education, collective action, and solidarity. However, the organization’s flaws and hypocrisy ultimately undermine its credibility as a true ally in the struggle for social justice.


Heathcliff’s marriage to Isabella Linton in Emily Bronte’s novel “Wuthering Heights” is a pivotal event in the story that has significant consequences for the characters and their relationships.

Heathcliff marries Isabella as part of his plan for revenge against the Linton family, who he believes have mistreated him and prevented him from being with his true love, Catherine Earnshaw. The marriage is a calculated move on Heathcliff’s part, and he has no real affection for Isabella. In fact, he treats her cruelly and abusively, both physically and emotionally.

Isabella’s marriage to Heathcliff has a profound impact on her life. She is isolated from her family and friends, and subjected to Heathcliff’s mistreatment and neglect. She becomes pregnant, but the child, Linton Heathcliff, is born weak and sickly and dies young. Isabella herself becomes ill and dies young as well, leaving behind a son who is taken in by Heathcliff and subjected to his manipulations.

Heathcliff’s marriage to Isabella also has significant consequences for the other characters in the story, particularly Catherine and Edgar Linton. Catherine is devastated by the news of Heathcliff’s marriage and becomes ill, leading to her eventual death. Edgar is also deeply affected by the marriage, as Isabella is his sister and he is horrified by the way Heathcliff treats her.

Overall, Heathcliff’s marriage to Isabella is a key event in “Wuthering Heights” that demonstrates the destructive consequences of revenge and the power of abusive relationships to harm individuals and families.

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