*NO 3*
Babs Fafunwa Senior Secondary School,
P.M .B 3016
14th April. 2016
Dear Charles,
I received your letter in which you expressed your intention to study in my school with utmost happiness. I am particularly delighted that you will be with me in the same school benefiting from the enormous facilities available in my great school.
As you know through one of our discussions when you came around during the last holidays, my school is named after the late Professor Babs Fafunwa who was an erudite scholar and one-time Minister of Education in this country. My school is a model Millennium school with good building spacious classrooms with all the needed comfort like ceiling fans and adequate seats for all students. It is located in a serene environment which makes the school conducive for learning.
I am sure that the information that my school has good, spacious and well-equipped laboratories and a big, well-furnished library will delight you as a serious science student. Our laboratories are the best around as each of them has all necessary equipment for practical lessons and the school library can accommodate at least four hundred students at a time. The librarian is there to give out books to students which they can read in the library or take home. There is no doubt that you can get books and other ICT materials which can assist your academic excellence in the library. This is one of the reasons students don’t loiter the schools premises in my school They have a library to go and read whenever they are free.
Apart from this, my school has a team of qualified, resourceful and friendly teachers. They are also hardworking and always ready to render assistance to students as long as it will improve their academic performance. What is paramount in their mind is the academic excellence of their students. They are approachable and friendly as you are free to come to then for extra lessons on any topic that is not clear to you They believe that they are employed to solve any academic challenge their students have. You hardly can get such a team of selfless teachers in any shoot around. I am sure you find these teachers interesting when you come over to my school.
All what I have told you so far culminated in the excellent academic performance of my school in public examinations. For so may years now, my school has always recorded high performance in all the subjects in the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE). You can be sure of having a good result if you change to my school. The high academic performance has also rubbed off on the school’s participation in academic competitions like debates and spelling bee competitions as my school always come tops with prizes and laurels.
I am using this letter to advise you not to change your mind as you have indicated your intention to come to my school to study. My school definitely where your thirst for good and qualitative education can be satisfied. happy to have you in my school.
Yours Sincerely,
Contentment is the essence of a harmonious life. When we are greedy, we wish to possess more things. In the process of acquiring it, we tend to loose what little we have with us and end up with nothing. When we have a bird at hand, it is better to be happy with it. There is no point in aiming for two birds in the bush which you may not be able to capture.
Once upon a time, there was a hunter who was very fond of hunting birds. He was very skilful in using his bow and arrow. He would often go into the forest and hunt down birds by the dozen and sell them all in the town market for a huge price. One day on one of his hunting expeditions, the hunter found a deer roaming around and wanted to hunt it down since it would fetch him a good price. So he came back the next day and set a trap for the deer. The unsuspecting deer got caught in the trap.
Meanwhile the hunter saw a few birds up in a nearby tree and went about hunting them. The deer knew that it had to do something before the hunter returned. Unfortunately, the hunter was not able to hunt even a single bird that day and was disappointed. He was however elated on seeing the deer caught in the trap and jumped of joy. The deer lay very still and pretended to be dead. The hunter came close to the deer and when it did not move he assumed that it had died. He wanted to carry the deer as soon as possible to the market so that he could sell its meat and make lot of money. He decided to fetch some logs to tie up the deer and carry it home. The deer lay very still waiting for the opportune moment to escape.
The hunter released the trap from the deer’s legs and was beginning to tie the deer on to the logs when he heard a rustling sound. He looked up and found a beautiful bird sitting atop a tree branch. The greedy hunter immediately wanted to shoot the bird down. Thinking that the deer was dead, he quietly stood up and took aim at the bird with his bow and arrow. When the deer realized that the hunter’s concentration was now on the bird, it leapt up and ran away into the forest at full speed. Hearing the noise, the hunter turned around and was shocked to find the deer disappearing into the forest. He blamed himself for his greediness, and realized that truly, “half a loaf is better than none”.
He missed his aim and the bird too flew away when it heard all the commotion. It was then that the hunter realized that his greed had made him lose both the deer and the bird and he had to return empty handed that day. He blamed himself for his greediness and immediately he realized that truly, “half a loaf is better than none”.
Mma Koku left home on a cold windy Monday morning to see how Koku would amount to something in life
Mma Koku was forced with whirlwind on her way to meet the pathfinder
Mma Koku plonked into muddy pothole she hadn’t seen in time
He was the very first person to earn the highest postgraduate degree from the village of koomla
A thread bare sweater over an equally aged wrapper
Widow’s mite
The pathfinder was compassionate
Mma Koku’s expectation concerning her son was to be successful in life
Mma Koku was in her early 70’s
(a) Adverbial clause
(b) It modifies the verb “shall see”
(I) Fragile
(III)A duty
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