NABTEB Basic Electricity 2024 Obj & Essays Answers

NABTEB 2024 Geography ANSWERS





The purpose of colouring carbon resistors is to indicate their resistance value through a colour code system.

(i) Brown Yellow Red and Gold
Brown = 1, Yellow = 4, Red = Multiplier (10²), Gold = ±5%
Resistance value = 14 x 10²
= 1400Ω
Maximum value = 1400 x 1.05
= 1470Ω
Minimum value: 1400 x 0.95
= 1330Ω

(ii) Red Black Green and Silver
Red = 2, Black = 0, Green = Multiplier (10⁵), Silver = ±10%
Resistance value = 20 x 10⁵
= 2,000,000Ω
= 2 MΩ
Maximum value = 2,000,000 x 1.10
= 2,200,000Ω
Minimum value = 2,000,000 x 0.90
= 1,800,000Ω

(iii) Orange Brown Blue and Gold
Orange = 3, Brown = 1, Blue = Multiplier (10⁶), Gold = ±5%
Resistance value = 31 x 10⁶
= 31,000,000Ω
= 31 MΩ
Maximum value = 31,000,000 x 1.05
= 32,550,000Ω
Minimum value = 31,000,000 x 0.95
= 29,450,000Ω

(iv) Blue Black Black and Silver
Blue = 6, Black = 0, Black = Multiplier (10⁰), Silver = ±10%
Resistance value = 60 x 10⁰
= 60Ω
Maximum value = 60 x 1.10
= 66Ω
Minimum value = 60 x 0.90
= 54Ω

(v) Brown Blue Red and Gold
Brown = 1, Blue = 6, Red = Multiplier (10²), Gold = ±5%
Resistance value = 16 x 10²
= 1600Ω
Maximum value = 1600 x 1.05
= 1680Ω
Minimum value = 1600 x 0.95
= 1520Ω

(i) Electromotive force (EMF): Electromotive force, denoted as EMF represents the electrical energy per unit charge that a source of electrical energy can provide. It is measured in volts (V).

(ii) Potential difference: Potential difference is the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric circuit, representing the work done per unit charge in moving a charge between those two points. It is measured in volts (V).

(iii) Current: Current is the flow of electric charge through a conducting medium, measured as the rate of flow of charge through a given cross-sectional area. It is measured in amperes (A).

Voltage (V) = 240V
Current (I) = 2.4A
Total Resistance (RT) = V/I
RT = 240/2.4
RT = 100Ω
Total Resistance (RT):
= Sum of parallel resistance (RP) + Sum of series resistance (RS)
RP = RT – RS
RS = 70Ω
RP = 100 – 70
RP = 30Ω
1/RP = 1/90 + 1/B
1/30 = 1/90 + 1/B
1/B = 1/30 – 1/90
1/B = (3 -1)/90
1/B = 2/90
B = 90/2
B = 45Ω

(i) Voltage reaches its maximum level
(ii) Charging current drops to minimum
(iii) Battery temperature stabilizes

Number of identical cells = 9
Electromotive force (EMF) = 2v
Internal resistance = 0.1Ω
Resistance Load = 7.5Ω

(i) All In Series:
Total EMF = 9 x 2
= 18v
Total internal resistance = 9 x 0.1
= 0.9Ω
Total resistance = 0.9 + 7.5
= 8.4Ω
Current = 18/8.4
= 2.14A
Potential difference across the load:
= 2.14 x 7.5
= 16.05Ω

(ii) All Cells in Parallel:
Total EMF = 2v
Total internal resistance = 0.1/9
= 0.0111Ω
Total resistance = 0.0111 + 7.5
= 7.5111Ω
Current = 2/7.5111
= 0.266A
Potential difference across the load:
= 0.266 x 7.5
= 1.995Ω

(iii) 3 Cells in Series and 3 Sets in Parallel:
Total EMF in series:
= 3 x 2
= 6v
Total internal resistance in series:
= 3 x 0.1
= 0.3Ω
Total EMF in parallel = 6v
Total internal resistance in parallel:
= 0.3/3
= 0.1Ω
Total resistance = 0.1 + 7.5
= 7.6Ω
Current = 6/7.6
= 0.789A
Potential difference across the load:
= 0.789 x 7.5
= 5.92Ω

(i) Inductive reactance is the opposition that an inductor offers to the flow of alternating current. Its unit of measurement is the ohm (Ω).

(ii) Capacitive reactance is the opposition that a capacitor offers to the flow of alternating current. Its unit of measurement is the ohm (Ω).

(iii) Impedance is the total opposition that a circuit offers to the flow of alternating current. It is a combination of resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance, measured in ohms (Ω).

Voltage (V) = 100 V
Frequency (f) = 50 Hz
Resistor (R) = 10 Ω
Inductance (L) = 50 mH
= 0.05 H
Capacitance (C) = 350 μF
= 350 × 10⁻⁶F

(i) Current (I):
Inductive reactance (XL) = 2πFL
XL = 2 x π x 50 x 0.05
XL = 31.42Ω
Capacitive reactance (XC)= 1/(2πFC)
XC = 1/(2 x π x 50 x 350 x 10⁻⁶)
XC = 91.09Ω
Total impedance (Z):
1/Z = 1/R + 1/XL + 1/XC
1/Z = 1/10 + 1/31.42 + 1/91.09
1/Z = 0.1+ 0.0318 + 0.01098
1/Z = 0.14278
Z = 1/0.14278
Z = 7.0Ω
Current (I) = V/Z
I = 100/7.0
I = 14.29A

(ii) Power Factor:
PF = R/Z
PF = 10/7.0
PF = 1.43

(iii) Angle of Lag (θ):
θ = Cos⁻¹(PF)
θ = Cos⁻¹(1)
θ = 0°

(iv) Power Consumed by the Circuit:
P = VI Cosθ
P = 100 x 14.29 Cos(0)
P = 100 x 14.29 x 1
P = 1429W

(i) Accuracy
(ii) Resolution
(iii) Response time

(i) 0 – 5 mA:
R = (50×10⁻³x50)/ (5×10⁻³)
R = 500Ω

(ii) 0 – 10 A:
R = (50×10⁻³x50)/ 10
R = 0.25Ω

(iii) 0 – 15 A:
R = (50×10⁻³x50)/ 15
R = 0.167Ω

(iv) 0 – 50 V:
R = 50/(50×10⁻³)
R = 1kΩ

(v) 0 – 100 V:
R = 100/ (50×10⁻³)
= 2kΩ

(vi) 0 – 150 V:
R = 150/ (50×10⁻³)
R = 3kΩ

(i) Heating Effect: When an electric current flows through a conductor, it produces heat due to the resistance of the material. This is commonly used in devices such as electric stoves and toasters to generate heat.

(ii) Magnetic Effect: An electric current flowing through a conductor creates a magnetic field around it. This principle is the basis for electromagnets used in various applications such as electric motors and transformers.

(iii) Chemical Effect: Electric currents can cause chemical reactions in certain materials. This effect is utilized in processes like electroplating and electrolysis, where a chemical change is induced by passing an electric current through a solution.

Resistance (R) = 30Ω
Voltage (V) = 240V
Time (t) = 1 hour = 3600 seconds
Power (P) = V²/R
P = (240)²/30
P = 1920W
Energy consumed (E):
E = Power x Time
E = 1920 x 3600
E = 6,912,000J
E = 6,912,000/3,600,000
E = 1.92kWh


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