NECO 2024 English Language Questions & Answers

NECO 2024 Bookkeeping Obj & Essay Answers



22, John wick street,
Delta state.

Dear Uncle,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to you today to discuss your decision not to educate your female children. While I understand that you may have your reasons for this choice, I would like to present to you some compelling arguments in favor of providing education to your daughters.

First and foremost, education is a fundamental human right, and it is essential for the development of any individual, regardless of their gender. By denying your daughters the opportunity to receive an education, you are limiting their potential and preventing them from reaching their full potential. Education opens doors to new opportunities, empowers individuals to make informed decisions, and provides them with the tools necessary to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.

Furthermore, educating women has numerous benefits not only for the women themselves but also for society as a whole. Studies have shown that educated women are more likely to be economically productive, have lower rates of infant mortality, and are more likely to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. By investing in the education of your daughters, you are not only giving them the chance to succeed but also contributing to the overall development of your community and country.

In addition, I would like to point out that denying your daughters an education is not only unfair but also perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes. By educating women, we are challenging traditional gender norms and empowering them to take on leadership roles in various fields, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This, in turn, benefits society as a whole by fostering innovation, creativity, and economic growth.

I understand that you may have concerns about the cost of educating your daughters, but I would like to suggest that there are various scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options available to help cover the costs. Additionally, many educational institutions offer financial aid to students based on merit, making it possible for talented individuals to receive an education regardless of their financial background.

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In conclusion, I urge you to reconsider your decision not to educate your female children. By providing them with the opportunity to receive an education, you are not only giving them the chance to succeed but also contributing to the overall development of your community and country. Education is a powerful tool that can empower women, challenge harmful gender stereotypes, and foster innovation and economic growth. I hope you will consider my arguments and make a positive change in the lives of your daughters and the world around you.


[Your Name]


*Inflationary Pressures: The Impact of Rising Prices on Citizens*

As the cost of living continues to rise in our country, citizens are feeling the pinch of inflationary pressures. The sudden increase in the prices of goods and services has left many wondering how they will make ends meet in the coming months. In this article, we will explore the effects of this development on the average citizen and discuss potential solutions to help alleviate the burden.

One of the most immediate effects of rising prices is the reduced purchasing power of citizens. As the cost of everyday items such as groceries, fuel, and housing continues to rise, people are finding it increasingly difficult to afford the necessities. This has led to in the number of families struggling to make ends meet, with many forced to cut back on non-essential expenses or even skip meals altogether.

In addition to the financial strain, rising prices have also taken a toll on the mental well-being of citizens. The constant uncertainty and worry about the future have left many feeling anxious, stressed, and even depressed. The fear of not being able to provide for their families has become a source of immense pressure for many, leading to increased levels of stress and decreased overall happiness.

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To help alleviate the burden of rising prices, there are several potential solutions that could be implemented. One option is for the government to implement targeted subsidies and tax breaks for low-income families and small businesses. This would help to offset the increased cost of living and provide a safety net for those most vulnerable to the effects of inflation.

Another solution could be to encourage local production and reduce reliance on imported goods. By supporting local farmers, manufacturers, and retailers, we can help stimulate economic growth and create new job opportunities. This, in turn, would help to reduce the cost of goods and services, making them more affordable for the average citizen.

In conclusion, the sudden increase in the prices of goods and services has had a significant impact on the lives of citizens in our country. From reduced purchasing power to increased stress and anxiety, the effects of inflation have been felt far and wide. However, by implementing targeted solutions and supporting local businesses, we can work towards alleviating the burden and ensuring that our citizens can continue to thrive in these uncertain times.

-The nation’s economy could be diversified into agriculture, which has the potential to create employment for about 70% of unemployed youths if given the necessary attention and investment.

-The entertainment sector, particularly Nollywood, can significantly contribute to the economy and reduce unemployment, provided the government supports it by creating an enabling environment and combating piracy.

-The manufacturing sector, if properly developed with support such as tax holidays and better infrastructure, can generate substantial revenue and job opportunities, reducing the nation’s dependence on fluctuating oil prices.

-The agricultural sector faces the problem of inadequate government policies and investment, but could grow significantly if the right measures are taken.

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-The entertainment sector, particularly Nollywood, struggles with high levels of piracy and a lack of government support to create an enabling environment for the industry to thrive.

-The manufacturing sector encounters multiple challenges including numerous charges by government agencies, difficulties in sourcing foreign exchange, and inadequate infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and healthcare facilities.

*Part 11*
*Section A*
*Continuous writing*


Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today to present my argument in favor of a cashless policy. While some may argue that a cashless society does more harm than good to society, I firmly believe that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

First and foremost, a cashless society would greatly reduce the risk of financial crimes such as money laundering, fraud, and counterfeiting. By eliminating cash, we can track all financial transactions, making it much more difficult for criminals to engage in illicit activities. This would lead to a safer and more secure financial system for everyone.

Furthermore, a cashless society would make it much easier for governments to collect taxes and regulate the economy. With real-time monitoring of financial transactions, governments could more accurately assess the financial health of their citizens and implement targeted policies to address income inequality and promote economic growth. This would lead to a more stable and prosperous society.

In addition, a cashless society would also have a positive impact on the environment. Cash production requires the use of paper, ink, and other resources, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. By going cashless, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and help combat climate change.

While some may argue that a cashless society would limit personal freedom and privacy, I believe that the benefits far outweigh the costs. With proper safeguards in place to protect user data and privacy, we can ensure that individuals still have control over their financial information while enjoying the convenience of a cashless society.

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