Fisheries Pract
A- Gold fish
B- Tilapia fish
C- silver fish
D-Cat fish
i. Both are fish.
ii. Edible and consumed by humans.
iii. Aquatic habitat.
iv. Freshwater species.
v. Used in culinary dishes.
i. Tilapia is larger.
Silver fish is slender.
ii. Tilapia fish has distinct colour pattern
Silver fish is silver in colour
Specimen E -Funnel entrance trap
Specimen F – Trawl net
Specimen G – Spear
Specimen H – Cast net
Check the diagram below
(i) Both Specimen F and H are types of nets used for fishing.
(ii) Both Specimen F and H are designed to capture large numbers of fish.
(iii) Both Specimen F and H are suitable for different depths of water.
(iv) Both Specimen F and H require large amounts of bait to attract fish.
(v) Both Specimen F and H can be used by multiple people at the same time.
(vi) Both Specimen F and H have a large opening at one end.
(vii) Both Specimen F and H have weights on the edges to keep them in place.
Specimen E (Funnel entrance trap) – Passive Fishing Gear
Specimen F (Trawl net) – Active Fishing Gear
Specimen G (Spear) – Active Fishing Gear
Specimen H (Cast net) – Active Fishing Gear
(i) Regularly check the funnel entrance trap to ensure all components are secure.
(ii) Clean and remove debris or other material from the funnel entrance trap after each use.
(iii) Lubricate moving parts of the funnel entrance trap to prevent rust and corrosion.
(iv) Inspect the wires and ropes of the funnel entrance trap for signs of damage or wear.
(v) Replace worn or damaged components of the funnel entrance trap with new parts.
(i) Wear protective clothing when using a spear.
(ii) Learn proper techniques for handling a spear before attempting to use one in the water.
(iii) Adjust the buoyancy of a spear to ensure it is properly weighted before use.
(iv) Aim spears carefully and use only as much force necessary to make a successful strike.
Specimen i – digger
Specimen J – Hoe
Specimen K – Cutlass
Specimen L – Axe
-Specimen i-
(i) Digging trenches for drainage systems
(ii) Planting trees and shrubs
(iii) Creating pathways and walkways
(iv) Loosening soil for easy movement of roots
(v) Preparing beds for sowing and planting
-Specimen J-
(i) Removing weeds from soils
(ii) Turning and aerating soil
(iii) Breaking up soil lumps
(iv) Making furrows for planting seeds
(v) Preparing soil beds for planting
-Specimen K-
(i) Clearing overgrown brush and grass
(ii) Cutting down weeds and small plants
(iii) Using as a weapon in self-defense
(iv) Chopping coconuts, fish, and other food items
(v) Harvesting crops such as sugar cane
-Specimen L-
(i) Chopping and splitting firewood
(ii) Clearing trees and brush
(iii) Creating wooden furniture, fences and carvings
(iv) Removing stumps and roots from gardens
(v) Constructing wooden structures such as cabins and sheds
-Specimen i-
(i) Sharpen the blade regularly to keep it in good working condition
(ii) Clean the handle regularly to maintain the grip
(iii) Ensure the handle is firm and secure before use
(iv) Check the tool for bent or worn out parts
(v) Store carefully to avoid damage or rust.
-Specimen L-
(i) Sharpen the axe head regularly for efficient performance
(ii) Wipe off the blade after use to avoid rust
(iii) Keep the axe head oiled to prevent corrosion
(iv) Store the axe in a dry place away from direct sunlight
(v) Check the handle often for any cracks or splintering
(i) Both are tools with metal heads
(ii) Both are used in cutting and chopping activities
(iii) Both have handles that provide grip and leverage
(iv) Both require regular sharpening and cleaning
(v) Both need to be stored carefully when not in use.
(i) Meat cleaver
(ii) Filleting knife
(i) Wear protective clothing and gloves during use
(ii) Check the area for obstructions and sharp objects before beginning
(iii) Check the blade for sharpness and ensure it’s securely fastened to the handle
(iv) Stop work immediately if the blade begins to become dull
(v) Do not use for activities requiring more power than necessary.
(i) Specimen I is a digger while Specimen K is a cutlass
(ii) Specimen I is used for digging, while Specimen K can also be used as a weapon
(iii) Specimen I has a single broad blade while Specimen K has two blades
(iv) Specimen I has a long handle while Specimen K has two short handles.
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