2023 WAEC GCE Christian Religious Studies (Essay & Objective) Answers

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(i) Pharaoh had two disturbing dreams; none of his magicians/wise men was able to interprete them.

(ii) His chief butler recalled his days in prison when Joseph correctly interpreted his dream.

(iii) Pharaoh sent for Joseph and narrated his dreams.

(iv) Pharaoh stood by River Nile and seven fat and thin cows came to feed.

(v) But the seven thin ones ate up the seven fat ones.

(vi) He also dreamt about the following – seven ears, good and full and seven withered, thin ones.

(vii) The withered, thin ones swallowed up the seven good ears.

(viii) Joseph told him the two dreams were the same, signifying seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.

(ix) Pharaoh should, therefore, select a prudent man to take charge of food storage in Egypt.

(x) There should be overseers to collect a fifth of all harvests during seven years of plenty.

(xi) Food so gathered to be stored in reserve for the lean years.

(xii) Pharaoh, delighted by Joseph’s suggestion wondered whether a more discreet person than Joseph could be found anywhere.

(xiii) Therefore, he appointed Joseph to take full charge over all Egypt.

(xiv) He gave royal assent to the appointment by publicly putting his symbol of authority on him.

(xv) He made him his second-in-command and gave him his daughter in marriage.

(i) Wisdom, with which he correctly interpreted dreams and gave adequate solutions for tackling delicate situation.
(ii) Acknowledgement of God’s control over human affairs.
(iii) Forthrightness/boldness in interpreting the dreams to Pharaoh.
(iv) Display of humility.
(v) Patience/perseverance.


Rehoboam, the son of King Solomon, was unable to preserve his royal lineage due to his harsh and oppressive rule over the people of Israel. After the death of Solomon, the people came to Rehoboam asking for relief from the heavy burdens and labor that his father had placed upon them. Instead of listening to the advice of the older, wiser counselors, Rehoboam chose to heed the counsel of his younger, more aggressive advisors and responded to the people with even harsher words.

This led to a rebellion against Rehoboam’s rule, with the northern tribes of Israel breaking away to form their own kingdom under Jeroboam. As a result, the kingdom of Israel was divided, and Rehoboam was only able to maintain control over the southern kingdom of Judah. This division ultimately led to the decline and eventual downfall of the Davidic dynasty, as the two kingdoms became embroiled in conflict and were eventually conquered by foreign powers.

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Rehoboam’s failure to listen to the concerns of his people and his inability to govern with wisdom and compassion ultimately led to the loss of his royal lineage and the fragmentation of the kingdom of Israel.

One day, as Jesus was standing by the Sea of Galilee, the crowd was pressing in on Him to hear the word of God. Seeing two boats at the water’s edge, the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets. One of these boats belonged to Simon, who would later be known as Peter.
Jesus, wanting to address the crowd without being pressed too closely, got into Simon’s boat and asked him to put out a little from the shore. From there, He taught the people.
When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon, a seasoned fisherman, responded with a hint of skepticism, explaining that they had worked hard all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, he agreed to do as Jesus said.
Once they had cast the nets into the deep water, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. Both boats were filled with fish to the point of almost sinking.
Witnessing this miraculous catch, Simon Peter fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” Peter recognized the divine power at work and felt unworthy to be in the presence of such holiness.
But Jesus reassured him, saying, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” In that moment, Jesus called Simon Peter to follow Him and become a fisher of men. Simon, along with his partners James and John (sons of Zebedee), left everything and followed Jesus.

(i) Through divine revelation
(ii) Through divine inspiration
(iii) Through Inner Conviction and Spiritual Discernment
(iv) Through Miraculous Signs and Confirmations
(v) Through Personal Transformation
(vi) Through Crisis and Turning Points

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(i) The Deception of Hearing Only: James argues that merely hearing the word of God without acting upon it can lead to self deception. He compares it to looking at oneself in a mirror and immediately forgetting what one looks like. If believers only hear the word but do not act on it, they can easily deceive themselves into thinking that they are living faithfully when, in reality, they are not.
(ii) Faith Without Works is Dead: James emphasizes the importance of putting faith into action by stating that faith without works is dead. He argues that true faith is not simply a mental acknowledgement or assent to the truth, but it is demonstrated through actions. He uses the example of Abraham, who believed God and was justified through his works of offering his son Isaac on the altar. James asserts that Abraham’s faith was made complete by his actions, showing that faith and works are inseparable.
(iii) Blessing and Freedom in Obedience: James encourages believers to be doers of the word because there is blessing and freedom in obedience. He states that those who listen to the word but do not do what it says are like people who look at their face in a mirror and then walk away forgetting what they look like. On the other hand, those who look intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continue in it will be blessed in what they do.

(i) Lack of Understanding:
Some believers may struggle to put their faith into practice because they lack a proper understanding of what it means to live out their faith. They may have head knowledge about the teachings of the Bible but struggle to apply them to their daily lives. Without a clear understanding of how their faith should impact their actions, they may find it difficult to live as doers of the word.
(ii) Fear and Insecurity:
Fear and insecurity can also hinder believers from putting their faith into practice. They may be afraid of stepping out in obedience to God’s Word because it involves taking risks or stepping outside of their comfort zones. They may worry about what others will think or fear failure. These fears can prevent them from fully embracing and living out their faith.
(iii) Distractions and a busy lifestyle:
In today’s fast-paced and busy world, believers can easily get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect to prioritize their faith. Distractions such as work, hobbies, social activities, and entertainment can consume their time and energy, leaving little room for actively living out their faith. Without intentional effort and prioritization, believers may struggle to put their faith into practice consistently.

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(i) Peter starts by addressing the role of Christians in society and their relationship with governmental authorities. He emphasizes the importance of submitting to every human institution for the Lord’s sake
(ii) Peter explains that submitting to authority is a way to show respect and honor to those in power. He says that by doing good and obeying the laws, Christians can silence the ignorance of foolish people who criticize their faith.
(iii) Peter also teaches that submission to authority is a form of God’s will. He states that it is God’s desire for Christians to live as free people, but not to use their freedom as a cover-up for evil. Instead, they are called to live as slaves of God, respecting and obeying the authorities that are placed over them.
(iv) Another reason for submitting to authority is to maintain social order and peace. Peter explains that the purpose of government is to punish those who do evil and praise those who do good. By submitting to authority, Christians contribute to the stability and well-being of society.
(v) Finally, Peter encourages his readers to submit to authority because it is a way to follow the example of Christ. He points out that even though Jesus was innocent, he willingly submitted to the unjust authority and suffered for the salvation of humanity. Christians are called to imitate this humility and obedience in their own lives.

(i) To show respect and honor to those in power.
(ii) To fulfill God’s will and live as obedient servants of Him.
(iii)To maintain social order and contribute to the well-being of society.

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