WAEC 2024 Civic Education Essay & Obj Answer

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(i) Traditional Authority
(ii) Legal-Rational Authority
(iii) Charismatic Authority
(iv) Coercive Authority
(v) Divine Authority

(i) Custodians of Culture and Tradition: Traditional leaders play a vital role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage, customs, and traditions. They ensure that the community’s cultural identity is maintained and passed on to future generations

(ii) Conflict Resolution: They mediate disputes and conflicts within the community. Their deep understanding of local customs and respect from the community often allows them to resolve conflicts amicably.

(iii) Community Mobilization: Traditional leaders can mobilize community members for various developmental projects, such as building schools, health centers, or roads. Their influence helps in garnering support and participation from the community.

(iv) Advisors to Government: In a democratic society, traditional leaders often serve as advisors to government officials on matters affecting their communities. Their insights can be invaluable in shaping policies that are culturally sensitive and effective.

(v) Promoters of Social Welfare: They advocate for the well-being of their people by addressing social issues such as education, health, and economic development. They may initiate programs to support vulnerable groups within the community.

(vi) Symbols of Unity and Continuity: Traditional leaders symbolize unity and continuity within their communities. They play a crucial role during ceremonies and rituals that reinforce social cohesion and collective identity.

(vii) Representatives of the People: They act as intermediaries between the government and the people, conveying the concerns, needs, and aspirations of their community to the authorities and ensuring that government policies and programs are understood and accepted by the community.

(viii) Guardians of Land and Resources: Traditional leaders oversee the use and management of communal land and natural resources. They ensure that resources are used sustainably and benefit the entire community, often mediating in land disputes and ensuring equitable distribution.


Community service is voluntary work performed by individuals or groups to benefit a community. It involves activities like assisting at shelters, cleaning public spaces, or organizing local events. The goal is to address community needs, promote social responsibility, and enhance the well-being of the community.

(i) Skill Development: Community service fosters practical skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership, which are valuable in various life situations and careers.

(ii) Personal Growth: It enhances personal qualities like empathy, responsibility, and resilience, contributing to overall character development.

(iii) Community Improvement: By addressing local needs, community service helps improve public spaces, support vulnerable populations, and enhance the quality of life for residents.

(iv) Social Connections: Volunteering builds relationships with diverse individuals and organizations, leading to a stronger sense of community and valuable networking opportunities.

(v) Career Advancement: Participation in community service provides experience that can enhance resumes, improve job prospects, and develop a professional reputation.

(vi) Health and Well-being: Engaging in community service can boost mental and emotional health by reducing stress, increasing happiness, and providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

(i) Pedestrians
(ii) Motorists (car drivers)
(iii) Cyclists

(i) Obey Traffic Laws and Regulations: Follow traffic rules, signs, and signals to avoid accidents and fines.

(ii) Wear Safety Gear: Use helmets, seatbelts, and other protective gear to reduce injury risk.

(iii) Maintain Vehicles: Regularly check and maintain vehicles to ensure they are roadworthy and safe.

(iv) Be Aware and Alert: Stay focused, avoid distractions, and anticipate hazards to react timely.

(v) Respect Other Road Users: Share the road, yield to others when necessary, and be courteous.

(vi) Avoid Reckless Behavior: Refrain from speeding, reckless overtaking, and other dangerous behaviors that put yourself and others at risk.

Section B answered questions 4&5&6

(i) Awareness and Education Programs:
Institutions should implement comprehensive awareness and education programs focusing on the dangers and consequences of substance abuse. These programs can include workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions led by healthcare professionals and recovering addicts to provide real-life perspectives.

(ii) Counseling Services: Institutions should establish accessible and confidential counseling services to support students dealing with substance abuse issues. Trained counselors can provide individual therapy, group therapy, and peer support groups, creating a safe space for students to seek help without fear of stigma.

(iii) Strict Enforcement of Policies: Implement and enforce strict policies against substance abuse within the institution. This includes the development of a clear code of conduct that outlines the consequences of substance abuse, such as suspension, expulsion, or mandatory participation in rehabilitation programs.

(iv) Parental Involvement: Encourage active parental involvement in substance abuse prevention efforts. Institutions can organize regular meetings, workshops, and communication channels where parents are educated on how to identify signs of substance abuse and how to support their children in making healthy choices.

(v) Extracurricular Activities: Promote and support a wide range of extracurricular activities to engage students in positive and healthy ways. Activities such as sports, music, arts, clubs, and volunteer work provide students with constructive outlets for their energy and creativity, reducing the likelihood of them turning to substances out of boredom or peer pressure.

(vi) Peer Education Programs: Develop peer education programs where trained students educate their peers about the risks of substance abuse. Peer educators can effectively communicate with fellow students in a relatable manner, often having a greater impact than adults or authority figures.

(vii) Collaboration with Health Organizations: Partner with local health organizations, non-profits, and government agencies to provide additional resources and support for substance abuse prevention and treatment. These organizations can offer expertise, funding, and specialized programs that enhance the institution’s efforts.

(i)Consistent and Correct Use of Condoms: Using condoms every time one engages in sexual activity significantly reduces the risk of transmitting or acquiring HIV.
(ii)Regular HIV Testing and Counseling: Knowing one’s HIV status and that of one’s partner can prevent transmission.
(iii)Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) for HIV-Positive Individuals: Effective ART can lower the viral load in an HIV-positive person to undetectable levels, drastically reducing the risk of transmission.
(iv)Educational Campaigns: Raising awareness about HIV transmission methods and prevention strategies can reduce stigma and encourage safer behaviors.
(v)Needle Exchange Programs: Providing clean needles for those who use intravenous drugs can prevent HIV spread among drug users.

(i)Frequent and Severe Infections: Due to weakened immune systems, individuals may experience more recurrent infections
(ii)Weight Loss and Chronic Diarrhea: Unexplained weight loss and persistent diarrhea can be common symptoms.
(iii)Fever and Night Sweats: Persistent or frequent fevers and night sweats are typical.
(iv)Fatigue: Chronic exhaustion or unexplained tiredness can occur as the body’s energy is depleted by fighting infections.
(v)Skin Rashes or Lesions: Skin problems such as rashes or lesions can be more frequent and severe in HIV-positive individuals.

(i)National Police Agency: Specifically, units that focus on crimes against persons, including trafficking.
(ii)Immigration Authorities: These bodies monitor and regulate cross-border movements to prevent illegal trafficking.
(iii)Ministry of Justice or Equivalent: Government departments that focus on legal frameworks and enforcement against trafficking.

(i)Social Stigmatization: Victims often face social stigma which can hinder their reintegration into society.
(ii)Economic Disruption: Trafficking can disrupt local economies and exploit the labor market.
(iii)Increased Public Health Concerns: Trafficking can lead to increased spread of communicable diseases among trafficked individuals.
(iv)Human Rights Violations: Severe abuse and violation of victims’ fundamental rights are common.
(v)Corruption: Trafficking can be linked to corruption at various levels, complicating efforts to combat it.
(vi)Security Issues: Human trafficking can lead to increased crime and insecurity in affected areas.

CHECK THIS; WAEC 2024 SSCE Examination Timetable – MAY/JUNE

The rule of law is a fundamental principle that ensures all individuals, institutions, and government officials are subject to the law and must act in accordance with it.

(i)Independent Judiciary: A fair and impartial judiciary that can interpret laws and ensure their enforcement.
(ii)Clear and Fair Laws: Laws that are easily understood, fair, and apply equally to all citizens.
(iii)Effective Law Enforcement: Law enforcement agencies that are capable, impartial, and accountable.
(iv)Respect for Human Rights: Protection and promotion of human rights, including freedom of speech, assembly, and association.
(v)Transparency and Accountability in Government: Government actions and decisions that are transparent, accountable, and open to scrutiny.
(vi)Active and Engaged Citizenry: Citizens who are informed, participatory, and hold government officials accountable for their actions.

(i)Political Instability: Frequent coups, civil wars, and political unrest undermine democratic institutions and processes.
(ii)Corruption: Widespread corruption erodes trust in government, undermines the rule of law, and distorts democratic processes.
(iii)Economic Underdevelopment: Poverty, inequality, and lack of economic opportunities hinder democratic consolidation and citizen participation.
(iv)Limited Access to Education and Information: Many citizens lack access to quality education, accurate information, and media freedom, making informed participation in democracy difficult.
(v)External Interference and Influence: Interference by foreign powers and external actors can undermine democratic sovereignty, perpetuate corruption, and destabilize the region.

(i)Protection of Individual Rights and Freedoms: The constitution outlines the rights and freedoms of citizens, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, and protects them from government interference.
(ii)Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances: The constitution divides power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, ensuring that no one branch dominates the others.
(iii)Distribution of Power between Federal and State Governmnts_: The constitution defines the powers and responsibilities of federal and state governments, ensuring a balance of power and autonomy.
(iv)Establishment of Institutions and their Powers: The constitution establishes institutions such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary, and defines their powers and responsibilities.
(v)Amendment and Revision Procedures: The constitution outlines the procedures for amending and revising the constitution itself, ensuring that it remains a living document that can adapt to changing circumstances.

SEE THIS; WAEC 2023 Results Testimonies By Gidiclass – Click Here

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