NABTEB 2024 Agric Science Obj & Essays Answers

NABTEB 2024 Geography ANSWERS


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(i) Inheritance: Land passed down from one generation to another within a family.
(ii) Lease: Renting land for a specific period, either from an individual, family, or government.
(iii) Purchase: Buying land from an individual, family, or government.
(iv) Government Allocation: Land allocated by the government, often for specific purposes such as agriculture or industrial development.

(i) To ensure equitable distribution of land among Nigerians.
(ii) To facilitate easy access to land for development.
(iii) To regulate and control land speculation.
(iv) To provide a legal framework for land administration and management.

(i) Bureaucratic delays in land allocation and documentation.
(ii) Corruption and favoritism in land distribution.
(iii) Lack of awareness and understanding of the Act among the populace.
(iv) Conflicts between customary land tenure systems and statutory laws.

(i) A disc plough is used for primary tillage (breaking up compacted soil), while a harrow is used for secondary tillage (smoothing and leveling the soil).
(ii) A disc plough has concave discs that cut and turn the soil, while a harrow has a series of tines or spikes that smooth and level the soil.


(i) Mineral Matter: Approximately 45%
(ii) Organic Matter: Approximately 5%
(iii) Water: Approximately 25%
(iv) Air: Approximately 25%

(i) Influences water retention and drainage.
(ii) Affects root penetration and plant growth.
(iii) Determines nutrient availability.
(iv) Impacts soil aeration.

Soil texture refers to the proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles WHILE Soil structure refers to the arrangement and organization of these particles, forming aggregates and pore spaces.

(i) Excessive use of chemical fertilizers.
(ii) Leaching of basic ions (calcium, magnesium) from the soil.
(iii) Decomposition of organic matter producing acidic compounds.

(i) Reduced nutrient availability.
(ii) Inhibited root growth and function.
(iii) Increased toxicity of certain elements (e.g., aluminum).

(2ciii) Liming:
Liming is the application of materials like limestone or dolomite to neutralize soil acidity and raise the pH.

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Botanical Name:
Dioscorea spp.

Method of Preparation:
Planting tubers

Period of Maturity:
8-12 months

Yam mosaic virus

Botanical Name:
Oryza sativa

Method of Preparation:
Sowing seeds

Period of Maturity:
3-6 months

Rice blast

Botanical Name:
Theobroma cacao

Method of Preparation:
Planting seedlings

Period of Maturity:
3-5 years

Black pod disease

Botanical Name:
Elaeis guineensis

Method of Preparation:
Planting seedlings

Period of Maturity:
3-5 years

Bud rot

(i) Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
(ii) Soybean (Glycine max)


(i) Alternate deep-rooted and shallow-rooted crops.
(ii) Rotate crops from different plant families to reduce pest and disease build-up.
(iii) Include legumes to enhance soil fertility through nitrogen fixation.
(iv) Follow a sequence that maintains or improves soil structure and health.


=YEAR 1: Cowpea| Maize| Cassava| Yam|

=YEAR 2: Yam| Cowpea| Maize| Cassava|

=YEAR 3: Maize| Cassava| Yam| Cowpea|

=YEAR 4: Cassava| Yam| Cowpea| Maize|

(i) High seed production.
(ii) Rapid growth and spread.
(iii) Adaptability to different environmental conditions.
(iv) Competition with crops for nutrients, water, and light.

Afforestation is the process of planting trees in an area where there were no previous tree cover or forests. This deliberate effort aims to create a forest on lands that historically have not contained forests, often for various environmental, commercial, or recreational purposes.

(i) Tattooing: A permanent identification method that uses a tattoo machine to insert numbers or letters into an animal’s ear, helping to identify animals in a herd or flock. This method is often used in pigs, sheep, and goats.

(ii) Ear notching: A method of identification that involves making small notches in an animal’s ear, representing a specific code or number. This method is often used in cattle and pigs.

(iii) Branding: A method of identification that uses a hot iron or freeze brand to leave a permanent mark on an animal’s skin, typically on the hide or horn. This method is often used in cattle and horses to indicate ownership or identity.

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Maintenance ration is a diet that provides nutrients to maintain an animal’s current body weight and condition, with no intention of growth or production While Production ration is a diet designed to support animal growth, lactation, or reproduction, providing extra nutrients to support increased productivity.

(i) Establishing fishing seasons and quotas.
(ii) Implementing size and catch limits.
(iii) Enforcing restrictions on fishing gear and methods.
(iv) Protecting breeding and nursery areas.
(v) Issuing fishing licenses and permits.
(vi) Monitoring and controlling illegal fishing activities.

(i) Reduces the risk of injury to other animals and handlers.
(ii) Minimizes space requirements and damage to facilities.
(iii) Enhances safety during transportation.
(iv) Improves market value due to better appearance and manageability.

(i) Farm Diary:
A farm diary is a daily record of all activities and events on the farm. This includes tasks completed, weather conditions, planting and harvesting dates, pest and disease occurrences, and any other relevant information.

(ii) Farm Inventory:
A farm inventory is a comprehensive list of all the assets on a farm. This includes machinery, equipment, livestock, crops in the field, stored produce, and any other resources.

(iii) Input Record:
An input record tracks all the inputs used on the farm, such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, water, and labor. It details the quantities, costs, and dates of use.

(iv) Production Record:
A production record details the outputs of the farm, including quantities of crops harvested, livestock products obtained, and sales. It often includes information on quality and market prices.

Farm and Home Visit
(i) Personalized Advice
(ii) Building Relationships

Result Demonstration
(i) Visual Evidence
(ii) Engagement and Learning

Method Demonstration
(i) Hands-on Learning
(ii) Immediate Feedback

(i) Radio: Wide reach, especially in rural areas.
(ii) Television: Visual learning and demonstrations.
(iii) Newspapers: Printed guides and reference materials.
(iv) Social media: Real-time updates and community engagement.

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(i) Protective Clothing: Always wear protective clothing, including a bee suit, gloves, and a veil, to prevent bee stings.
(ii) Hive Placement: Place hives in a location that is away from high-traffic areas and disturbances, ensuring bees have a peaceful environment to thrive.
(iii) Regular Inspections: Conduct regular hive inspections to monitor bee health, check for pests or diseases, and ensure the colony is functioning properly.
(iv) Proper Handling: Handle bees and hive components gently to avoid agitating the bees, which can lead to aggressive behavior and stings.

(i) Water Supply: Ensure a reliable and adequate source of clean water, with good quality and sufficient flow to maintain the pond.
(ii) Soil Type: Choose a site with clayey or loamy soil that can hold water effectively and reduce seepage.
(iii) Topography: Select a site with gentle slopes to facilitate easy drainage and prevent flooding, while also being conducive to pond construction.
(iv) Accessibility: The site should be easily accessible for transportation of materials, equipment, and fish, as well as for regular monitoring and maintenance.

(i) Smoking
(ii) Salting
(iii) Pickling
(iv) Freezing
(v) Canning
(vi) Drying

(i) Catch Limits: Regulations that set a maximum number of fish or specific species that can be caught within a certain period. This helps prevent overfishing and ensures sustainable fish populations.

(ii) Size Limits: Laws that dictate the minimum and/or maximum size of fish that can be legally caught. This ensures that juvenile fish have a chance to mature and reproduce before being harvested.

(iii) Fishing Seasons: Specific times of the year when fishing for certain species is allowed or prohibited. This is to protect fish during their breeding and spawning seasons.

(iv) Gear Restrictions: Regulations that specify the types of fishing gear and methods that are permitted or banned. This includes restrictions on net sizes, types of traps, and the use of certain chemicals or explosives.


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